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Generation Cult

Welcome to Generation Cult, an interview show about people born and/or raised in closed, high demand, authoritarian groups also known as cults.  

Sep 29, 2024

Most people have heard of Christian Science and passed by the reading rooms, but how much do you know about it? 

Hilary grew up as a radical reliant Christian Scientist, which meant her family avoided medical intervention in favor of prayer to try to cure ailments. She lived to talk about it, but others weren't so...

Sep 3, 2024

When Susan was 13, her stepdad brought her into what was then known as the Divine Light Mission, an organization led by Prem Rawat (aka Guru Maharaj Ji, aka The Boy Guru, aka Lord of the Universe, aka The Perfect Master. ... etc.) She became a believer and eventually moved into one of the ashrams while she was still...